18.04.07: QST Mai 2007 eingegangen

Heute ist bei DK3YD das neue Heft der QST, Mai 2007, des U.S.-Amateurfunkclubs ARRL eingegangen.

Das Heft enthält u.a. folgende Artikel:


- Adapting a Three Element Tape Measure Beam for Power Line Noise Hunting

- Hydrogen Driven Hams - Avoid noise pollution on your Field Day by using hydrogen fuel cells

- A Super Duper Five Band Portable Antenna

- Learning to PIC with a PIC-EL - Part 1

- Product Review: Computer sound cards for Amateur Radio

News and Features

- It Seems to Us: "Most Effective Use"

- Dayton: The Epicenter of Amateur Radio

- The Next Gen Hams: It's Elementary

QST Workbench

- The Doctor is IN: "Hybrid" transceivers and SWR; dual receivers; more

- Short Takes - West Mountain Radio RIGtalk USB Interface

- Explore USB with this USB to CI-V Interface

- Why is it that CW Works so Well?

- Hands-On Radio: Experiment #52 - SWR Meters

- Hints & Kinks: Coaxial stubs and antenna resonance; Ten-Tec power supply connectors


- 2007 ARRL Field Day Announcement


Weitere Informationen über DB0VM von

Hans, DK3YD

DB0VM 438.950 MHz